Tuesday, November 27, 2007

iPod wit

I've been startled at how seemingly smart and cognizant the "Shuffle Songs" function is on my iPod. Yesterday on the way home from work, iPod actually made me laugh (yes, I call it "iPod"). Following John Coltrane's "Acknowledgment" from A Love Supreme - a totally intense and spiritual song with Coltrane chanting the words "a love supreme" over and over again - came Samuel L. Jackson's Ezekiel 25-17 monologue from Pulp Fiction. "And you will KNOW that my name is THE LORD when I lay my VENGEANCE upon thee."
iPod is hilarious.


SASS Chair said...

The "pod", as I like to refer to it as, currently has about 4,000 songs on it and I still have yet not moved most of my music over.

Regardless, I enjoy the shuffle feature and the interesting combinations of music that play back to back as well. I refer to this feature as "Ben_FM". Definately the best "radio" station ever.

schroeder said...

There's a great Onion article, "Area Man's iPod Thinks He's Gay." Mine will occasionally shock me by playing the song I was just thinking about. I was listening to the Gray Album track that samples Glass Onion, and thinking, "I wonder what the odds are of Glass Onion coming up next." Then, of course, it did. iPod also has days when it's just in the mood for, say, some Stevie Wonder, and it plays every Stevie track is has in the span of 40 minutes.